In this Issue
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Phrasal verbs international

Your questions


Focus on Phrasal Verbs:
Register and phrasal verbs

New word of the month
New abbreviations
and acronyms

Corpora tips
More than simple searching:
getting more from the BNC

In this Issue

After a short summer break MED Magazine, the webzine of the Macmillan English Dictionaries resource site, returns with its 33rd edition, bringing you a selection of articles.

We continue our most recent series on the topic of common misunderstandings about phrasal verbs with a discussion of why phrasal verbs are not as unique to the English language as often thought.

In the Focus on Phrasal verbs corner you can read more about phrasal verbs. Here author Bryan Fletcher explores the use of phrasal verbs and single-word equivalents in different registers.

This issue also brings you further tips on freely available corpora and research tools on the web. In the latest article, you can find out about the British National Corpus and how you can make use of it in your classroom.

The regular new words feature describes how new abbreviations and acronyms are formed and lists some of the most recently coined examples of these.

Have you ever wondered about the meaning of a word or an example given in a dictionary? Do your students come up with questions you find difficult to answer? Don't despair! Ask Gwyneth! This new column is there to answer your students' and your own lexical queries.

If you'd like to read out more about a particular area of language, you'll find the index page useful. And don't forget! You can search the entire contents of MED Magazine on the back issues page.

We're always pleased to hear your comments and suggestions so if you'd like to get in touch, please go to this page. To read a selection of emails by readers, visit the letters page.

Kati Sule