
In this Issue
Letters to the Editor
Write to Us
Spread the Word
Back Issues
Issues in Business
English teaching
Classroom management
for Business English
Birthday Greetings
MED Magazine celebrates
its second birthday
Language Interference
Borrowing and false friends
between Greek and English
Focus on Language
Word Formation
Word families,
prefixes and suffixes
UK version ¦ US version
New word of the month
New words in journalism
and the media
Top Tips for Business English
Teaching presentation skills
Presentations 1
Activities ¦ Teacher's notes

MED Magazine
is just one of a growing family of Macmillan
mailing services and websites that are devoted to English teaching.
You can keep up-to-date with the latest developments by visiting onestopenglish.com.
onestopenglish.com is a free community resource site for EFL
and ESL teachers. The website provides a range of services to the English
teaching profession, including professional support, methodology articles,
sample chapters, a large databank of teaching materials, and worksheets
covering American and British English for all age groups and levels.
Scroll down this page for links and more information.
anecdote competition
We'd like to hear your
teaching anecdotes so that we can publish stories about what happens
in classrooms around the world. We're looking for:
Funny stories from
the classroom
Horror stories from the classroom
Disaster stories from the classroom. Your first day
as a teacher?
All winners will receive a bag of Macmillan
products. This will vary but will always include methodology titles,
readers and much more. Each month, one special prize will include a
copy of the new Macmillan
English Dictionary with CD.
teacher talk forum

A problem shared is a problem halved, so the saying
goes. If you have a problem or question that you'd like some help with,
why not post it on Teacher Talk, the onestopenglish discussion
forum? There are many ways to benefit from
Teacher Talk. Here are some suggestions.
Don't miss the exciting WebQuest feature! A WebQuest
is an inquiry-oriented activity in which most or all of the information
used by learners is drawn from the Web. We provide a printable WebQuest and teacher's notes (with
answers) to use in the class. Current WebQuests feature Boston,
Kingston, New York, Oxford, Dublin, London,
Sydney and Los Angeles. Click
here for more information.
Visit the Teachers
Log where teachers from around the world share their experiences
of teaching English in different countries. All featured letters win
a library of books! This month you can read about teaching English in Peru.
lesson share
There is now an archive of exciting lesson
plans from the Lesson Share competition, with lessons covering
writing, reading, integrated skills, grammar and vocabulary, and pronunciation.
There's a new round of the lesson share competition every month, so
it's never too late to enter! For more information and to see the winning
entries from earlier rounds, click
here. The five best entries will win books worth about £100 $140
160 ¥20000. Click
here to see the prizes for this month's competition.