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Activities ¦
Teacher's notes
Tips for Business English
by Rosemary
Teacher's notes
> Main article
> Activities
To expand basic vocabulary commonly used in a socializing
context, and to use the Macmillan English Dictionary to explore
the meaning and context words and phrases are used in.
The worksheet emphasizes practical language for upper
intermediate to advanced levels. It is appropriate for one to one lessons
or groups.
The overall timing for the activities should be about
50 minutes. This will depend on the size of the class, and if it is set
up as pair or group work, or as a one to one practice. Students need access
to the Macmillan English Dictionary (MED). Teachers will need at
least a flipchart and whiteboard and ideally an OHP/OHTs.
Activities 1 and 2
Distribute the worksheets. Do a pre-task discussion
of socializing with the students. Elicit the positive and negative
sides of socializing in business. Discuss how these points affect
students' confidence in using English. |
Briefly go through the introduction with the class. |
Have the students in pairs or group do activities
1 and 2. |
Review the answers by each pair or group contributing
their findings. |
Display the possible answers on an OHT or give as
handouts, and discuss any difficulty students may have had in finding
certain phrases in the dictionary. |
Example answers for activity 2
instead of or as a representative of someone |
senior |
help someone |
to drink (your tea with something added) |
suitable for a particular purpose |
very bad |
pleasant |
area or type of work or employment |
giving satisfaction, pleasure or profit |
said or brought up something in conversation |
something you do for someone else in order to help
them |
want |
drinks for all in a group |
say that people should have a toast |
succeed in talking (or communicating) with someone |
occasion when you travel from one place to another
(especially with long distances) |
Activities 3 and 4
Students do the activities individually and then
compare answers with a partner. Have them check their answers in the
dictionary. |
Go over the answers with the students as a final
check, and display them on an OHP or flipchart. |
Answers for Activity 3
reached |
rewarding |
fancy |
dismal |
Answers for Activity 4
proximity/offended |
titles |
stereotype |
taboo/avoid |
Here are some tips for activities 1 to 3 as extra class
practice or homework. In each case students check the dictionary for their
Have the students look for other phrases with the
verb give that name parts of the body, e.g. arm, eye,
teeth, elbow, etc. Students write down example sentences
of how the phrases are used. Discuss with them how the body parts
underscore the meaning of the phrases, and in what register and situations
the phrases may be heard. |
Students compile a brief list of positive and negative
weather words that could be used in small talk. Start off the list
with the example of dismal and cheerful. |
To expand on the meaning of propose a toast,
elicit from the students typical best wishes, congratulations associated
with giving toasts. |
Expand practice on the meaning of rewarding.
Students can check on other word formations of reward and give
examples from their jobs about rewards and what is rewarding
about their work. |
Have students brainstorm 3 or 4 other ways to use
reach. Get them to write examples sentences for phrases such
as reach to, reach as far as, reach out, reach
into, reach for, reach across. |
Discuss examples of cultural stereotypes. Are they
usually true or not? How do we stay away from stereotyping in business? |
Elicit 4-5 other points about body language. Proximity
or closeness when standing or sitting next to a client could give
mixed signals. Students can write down their ideas and then discuss
in pairs or groups. |