
this Issue
to the Editor
to Us
the Word
all know what new means,
but what about nov-?
The importance of word elements
Maltese - an unusual formula
on Study Skills:
Capital letters and
punctuation in English
word of the month
LetsGt2gtha on Valentine's Day!
The vocabulary of text messaging
Tips for Business English
Teaching socializing skills
Basics socializing
Activities ¦
by Michael
Vince and Dr
June Hassall
Capital letters
Full stop (.)
Comma (,)
Semicolon (;)
Colon (:)
Quotation marks (' ')
Question mark (?)
Exclamation mark (!)
Apostrophe (')
In the next issue
Capital (or upper case) letters are used:
• |
to begin a sentence or phrase
You've done a fantastic job.
Fresh fish! |
• |
for the names of people
Lin, Mary, Yiqun Wang |
• |
for calling people by their title
Mrs Brown, Uncle Kwame, Mum
• |
for the personal pronoun 'I'
Can I help you? |
• |
for the titles of books, films etc
Alice in Wonderland, Treasure Island
Notting Hill is a romantic comedy. |
Note: Small words like
and, a, the, and prepositions do not usually
have capitals, unless they are the first word of the title:
The film was based on The Lord of the Rings
by J.R.R. Tolkien. |
• |
for names and abbreviations of organizations
Friends of the Earth, United Nations Educational
Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
• |
for the names of places (towns, countries etc)
Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, P.R.C.
(People's Republic of China) |
• |
for nationalities and languages
Malaysian, English, Chinese
• |
for adjectives made from proper nouns
China, Chinese; Jamaica,
Jamaican |
• |
for days, months, celebrations etc
Wednesday, March, Diwali
Some words can be written with capitals
or in lower case, depending on the meaning: |
• |
Sanderson was a good president. (general use)
Paul met President Brunswick. (job title) |
• |
compass points
I live in the north of Scotland. (description)
Sally works in the Far East. (place name) |
Full stops are used:
• |
at the end of a statement (information and instructions)
and after a polite request
His sister's name is Adjoa.
Please come here. |
• |
in some abbreviations to show that letters at the
end of a word are missing
Sat. (Saturday), pl. (plural), approx.
(approximately) |
Note: In modern British
English, full stops are not usually added when the abbreviation contains
the last letter of the full word:
Mr (=Mister); Dr (=Doctor) (used in titles)
Rd (=Road); Ave (=Avenue) (used in addresses)
In American
English, however, full stops are used in the above examples. |
• |
In British English, full stops are also omitted from
many abbreviations
• |
Full stops are not used after abbreviations of scientific
cm, g, kg, sec |
Commas are used:
• |
in writing to represent a brief pause in a long sentence
Everyone agrees that Efua is a very intelligent girl, but
she is rather lazy. |
• |
in lists of two or more items
I bought some bananas, some oranges, and a pineapple. |
Note: The final comma (before
'and') can be left out. |
• |
in lists of adjectives that appear before a noun
a hot, dry, sunny day |
Note: In the above example,
commas can be left out. |
• |
after linking words at the beginning of a sentence
First of all, I will tell you how it works. |
• |
before and after linking words in the middle of a
Chen, on the other hand, did not agree. |
• |
when giving additional information that can be left
John, who is usually late, turned up at 10.30. |
• |
before question tags
You're from China, aren't you? |
• |
in large numbers to separate sets of digits
6,550 17,500 387,100
2,000,000 |
• |
to introduce direct speech
Bo said, 'I'll be late.' |
Note: Commas are
not used after reporting verbs in reported speech:
Bo said he would be late. |
Semicolons are used:
• |
to join together two sentences with related meanings
We need better technology; better technology costs money. |
• |
to separate long items in a list
Students are asked not to leave bicycles by the entrance;
not to leave bags in the sitting room; and not to leave coats
in the dining room. |
Colons are used:
• |
to introduce items in a list
You will need to provide one of the following pieces of identification:
a passport, a student's card, or a driving licence. |
• |
to introduce an explanation of the previous part
of the sentence
Finally, we had to stop: we were tired and it was very dark. |
Quotation marks (also called speech marks or inverted
commas) can be single (‘ ’) or double (‘‘ ’’).
Quotation marks are used:
• |
around direct speech
‘Why are we leaving so early?’ Susie asked. |
• |
around words you want to emphasize or treat in a
special way.
What is a ‘blog’? |
Question marks are used:
• |
after a question
What's the time? |
Exclamation marks are used:
• |
to show strong emotion such as surprise, joy, or
You'll never guess! I passed my test! |
Note: Exclamation marks
are used in informal writing, but are not considered appropriate in
formal writing. |
• |
with commands that should be obeyed
Come here immediately! |
• |
with short exclamations that are called interjections
Ouch! Help! Oh dear! |
Apostrophes are used:
• |
with 's' to show who or what someone or something
belongs to or is connected with
Chen is having dinner with Lin's sister.
Did you go to yesterday's meeting? |
Note: -'s is used
when referring to a single person or thing.
The boy's father (= the father of one boy) asked
for an explanation. |
Note: -s' is used
when referring to more than one person or thing.
The boys' father (= the father of more than one boy)
asked for an explanation. |
• |
in contractions (short forms) to show that some letters
are missing
The talk wasn't (= was not) any good.
I'm (= I am) only here for a week.
That can't (= cannot) be true. |
Note: Remember that its
(= belonging to or connected with 'it') does not have an apostrophe
The dog was chasing its tail. |
Note: Remember that it's
(= 'it is' or 'it has') does have an apostrophe to show the missing
It's (= it is) too late now to do anything.
It's (= it has) been raining all day. |
Next month in MED Magazine you can read about revision
and examination skills.